I just felt my first earthquake in Israel at 12:45 PM in Givat Shmuel. It was awesome. I would have to rank it somewhere between Citizen Kane and the Blair Witch projects in terms of awesomeness. (Citizen Kane being one of best movies of all time, and Blair Witch being the absolute worst.)

I was sitting in my room reading, when all of a sudden my hutch on my desk started swaying. It wasn't long before I realized it wasn't my hutch that was swaying but the entire building.

This must be about the 6th earthquake we've had since I got here but the first one I felt. Before coming to Israel earthquakes was not even on my list of cons. The truth is I think they would probably have gone on my list of pros for coming. I think earthquakes have a bad reputation. Earthquakes are fun until someone loses an eye. Much like playing with sticks. But until that time happens, I will continue to enjoy my earthquakes and play with sticks.


I just opened my email and found that I received a new Facebook Social News update!

I have done some exercise between now and then, 5 pull ups on Tuesday and 5 pull ups on January 24th, so I was extremely interested to see how high my ranking moved in the "more likely to win a fight" category would be. Last time, if you will recall I was at #6,719,395, which I considered pretty good considering the amount of people on Facebook.

My new ranking.....

#9,008,328 !!

Needless to say I am pretty upset about this and it may be the wake up call I need to start exercising more. I am really starting to think this whole thing is really not that scientific. What are the chances that two million people have done more than 10 pullups over the last month? Very very unlikely. (And I've probably walked about a mile over the month too! (including to and from the bus))