Learning to Paint an Apartment

Posted by DMiller | 9:05 AM |

As I currently no longer have a job I have the luxury of learning important life skills such as cooking, cleaning, and bathing. I have yet to conquer those specific skills, but they are definitely on the list.

Today I learned an important survival skill: how to paint an apartment. The knowledge I had about painting before beginning was, to say the least, limited. My entire knowledge of painting could really be summed up into a 5 word idiom which has served me well up until now: "Don't eat the paint chips". 

But today I wanted to learn more about the art of painting. Specifically I wanted to learn how to:
a) Get paint from a bucket onto a wall and
b) Whether drinking paint is really as bad as eating paint chips. 

I assume most people know the answer to a). It was surprisingly easy and extremely mundane. I got so bored during spackling that I decided to hire my favorite shiputznik to help out. He told me to go run to bnei brak and get another roller, and by the time I had returned (I stopped for pizza...) he had already finished a good part of it. I spent the next 5 hours doing the rest myself and testing my second hypothesis that drinking paint is just as bad as eating paint. 

Don't worry I didn't eat it, but I did check it out on the internet. Apparently paint isn't so bad for you anymore as they don't put lead in it anymore. It's no more harmful than eating glue, which as we know from Billy Madison, is not that unhealthy either. So really the answer to b) is drinking paint is safer than eating paint chips, because paint chips may still have lead in them. 

I am really happy I looked into this as I also found this Yahoo! Answers question: I'm 8 month old pregnant and im eating paint chips chalk for last 5 months is it harmful to my baby?


Today was pretty fun. I got some exercise (at least some physical movement), learned a new skill, and got extremely dirty. Now it's time to get started on learning that bathing skill...

The paint job is still not complete, but hey that's what tomorrow is for...