Day 3: Bangkok is a Giant Scam

Posted by DMiller | 1:06 AM |

Basically Bangkok is nearly the worst place in the world (based on my limited traveling experience).

You know how Israeli shop keepers are very pushy and always try to scam you. Thai people in Bangkok are a whole new level. The only worthwhile reason to go to Bangkok is to witness they way they operate in person. You can't walk 10 feet without being pressured into buying something or going somewhere.

The most common conversation I have had is:
Tuk Tuk driver: Where you going?
Me: I'm going for a walk.
Tuk Tuk driver: I'll take you anywhere, 10 Baht.
Me: I want to walk.
Tuk Tuk driver: Come I take you.
Tuk Tuk: 5 Baht I take you anywhere.

I've learned to really just ignore the sellers.

The prostitutes are just as aggressive and possibly even a larger multitude. The only thing more than prostitutes may be rats. They both come out at about 11.

All in all, Bangkok is a crummy city with terrible pollution.

I am thriled we are going to Chiang Mai tonight, even though the ride is going to be 12 hours by bus. Yikes! And I didn't even like the 5 hour bus ride from Tel Aviv to Eilat. At least were saving a little by not flying.

We also went to the zoo in Bangkok which was pretty interesting. We saw many endangered species, and the last male albino Barking Deer. I was thinking about killing it, because then I would be the last one in the history of the world to have seen a male albino barking deer. I decided against it.

I am thinking of going to the Chiang Mai zoo too because they have two famous Giant Pandas.