Day 25: Leaving Thailand :(

Posted by DMiller | 10:34 AM |

I spent the last day getting my last bit of sun relaxing by the beach/pool, attempting to copy the pictures from my friends camera onto my USB drive, and hanging out at Chabad.

My taxi driver to the airport was a former Israeli that currently lives in Koh Samui and he brought his Israeli friend. He started asking me questions about myself and when I told him I moved to Israel we got into a discussion about why he moved to Thailand.

His pitch for Thailand was that there are no worries and everything is perfect. In Israel it's all craziness. I had no strong rebuttal to someone not religious. 

The Koh Samui airport was fantastic. It is all outdoors and there are free drinks, snacks and newspapers. It was like the whole airport was a first class lounge. I think it's the best airport I've ever been to.

I took flight from Koh Samui to Bangkok and then El Al from Bangkok back home to Israel.

When I got back to Israel I took train and bus back to Givat Shmuel. It was great not taking a taxi like a friar as usual.

I already miss Thailand, but it is nice to be back. 

My roomate and some friends seemingly have a lot of extra time on their hands and made several posters welcoming me home. I thought it was very nice and I really appreciated it. Maybe Israel has some things that are better than Thailand.

Now I have to get back to real life. :(