Amazing Concert!!

Posted by DMiller | 1:41 PM | ,

Tonight was amazing! My company hosted a private party for clients and band members from Kaveret including Gidi Gov played a concert! It was terrific!!

There are only maybe 5 israeli bands I know and maybe 15 israel (rock type) songs that I know, Gidi Gov being about 4 of those songs. It was truly amazing. I sat about 100 feet from the stage. Probably one of the best (non-wedding) concerts I have attended.

I am only upset that I didn’t understand all the songs and jokes because of Hebrew. I think my impetus for learning Hebrew has now come – in order to be able to understand jokes. I think I am going to start my education by learning more Israeli songs and reading the lyrics in Hebrew/English. It also would have been nice to have invited someone. I hadn't thought about it until I got there.

I can't say I've attended that many concerts in my life, but I can definitely say this concert was better than most Jewish music concerts I've seen and definitely better than Ted Nugent.

BTW- Gidi Gov reminds me of Dustin Hoffman.