Israel Economy: Unstoppable!

Posted by DMiller | 10:13 AM | ,

The Israel economy is is rocking: According this Article :

"Economic growth is forecast to reach 5.2 per cent this year, fuelled by rising consumer spending, buoyant corporate investment and strong exports. Unemployment has fallen steadily, and now stands at just 7.8 per cent – down from almost 11 per cent four years ago...

Investment banks such as Morgan Stanley forecast that not even a slowdown in the US will stop the Israeli economy from “growing at a reasonably robust pace."

This article is about a year old but I imagine they are seeing similar trends now:

"Headhunter Minna Felig once told corporate lawyers that Israeli firms hired one or two months out of the year. That was three years ago. Now, she is swamped with job openings all year long.
"Every law firm I work with is incredibly understaffed," she says. "I can't keep up with it. The workload has increased twofold.""

And for anecdotal evidence, 3 people have been hired at my firm in the last two weeks and today a firm wide email was sent out for someone to fill a higher level position.

People: If you are serious about moving to Israel NOW is the time to do it. You should be able to find a job in this environment.

There are obviously people in Israel missing out on this robust economy: Article Article 2

A new Israeli survey reveals that 70 percent of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men have opted for religious study instead of joining the country's workforce, the Haaretz newspaper said on Sunday.
The survey, carried out by the trade, industry and labour ministry and two private organisations, found that 50 percent of ultra-Orthodox women were similarly unemployed due to lack of skills and the burden of child-rearing.

But that was their choice.

Realize when you read that 20% of Israel lives under the poverty line, these are people that do so willingly. If you are educated you can get a job in this country.

(Obviously jobs are not just given to people - it's like America. There is strong competition for every position. Different fields are hiring more than others too.)