Chanuka Parties

Posted by DMiller | 2:02 PM |

So far, Chanuka in Israel has been, to say the least, underwhelming. I hoped celebrating Chanukkah in Israel would be like celebrating X-mas in the states. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. There are no blue and white lights ornamenting the streets, no gigantic menorahs that rival the giant tree in Rockafeller Center and no Judah the Macabees giving out presents. (I have not seen these things, although they may exist.)

I actually miss the Xmas atmosphere to a degree. NYC during December is really beautiful and has a great atmosphere of good-fellowship.

I also miss Chanuka presents so have purchased myself some, but nothing too exciting. (Two shirts off Ebay.)

I have been to several Chanukkah parties in town, but I can’t say I particularly enjoyed them that much. I never was very big into large social gatherings for the sake of mingling. Even though I know I really should be mingling in order to meet people, I find most of these cocktail conversations to be “shallow and pedantic”. I generally prefer smaller gatherings where conversations are more focused and developed.

This is a real conversation that I had with a friend at a recent one of these parties:
Me: Hey!
H: Hey!
M: How’s it going?
H: Pretty good, thanks. Yourself?
M: Not bad.
(Pause, me looking at my shoes.)
M: So... I have nothing else to say…
M: I’ll see you later.
H: Sounds good….

It reminds me of the Great Gatsby line: “I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.” (See, I have retained something from high school.)

I haven't written lately mainly because there just isn't much to say. Life is going on as usual.