Nittle Nacht

Posted by DMiller | 11:15 AM | ,

The custom of not learning X-mas eve is one I am really really good at. You know how it is recommended that you pick one mitzvah to devote yourself to? Well this is mine.

Actually I did accidentally learn last night as my computer music was on random and a shiur popped up from R. Schreiber which was excellent. So in truth, I am not even good at nittle nacht. How sad. Maybe next year.

(And yes I do believe the idea of nittle nacht is ridiculous. I can only imagine it began when one chasid was chiding another about not showing up to seder the night before and him coming up with a ridiculous excuse like, "Um, of course I wasn't in seder last night. It was Jesus's birthday, idiot..."

X-mas in Israel was unremarkable - rightfully so. I worked. (I think I did that in the States too.)