Israel News Update

Posted by DMiller | 11:10 AM |

Just to give you all a heads up on whats been going on news wise...

Earthquakes - we had 3 last week - and I missed all of them :( Let's hope we don't see anything larger than a 5.0. According to some articles I read a 6.0, last hit in the 1920's when 800 people died, could mean a death toll of 18,000! A crazy number that I believe, because most construction here is done with poor cement.

Jerry Seineld - is LOVED in Israel. He has literally been treated like a king, meeting Olmert, Peres, and being taken to all the places royalty normally visits. Some newspaper articles said he is more talked about that than the Annapolis convention which I believe.

Annapolis - If you guys missed this one, I don't know what to say. I have little to say about the convention except that if it leads to nothing that will be no surprise and if it does lead to something, we can see the face of Israel changed. Places such as the Golan Heights, portions of the west bank, and even East Jerusalem may go the way of Gaza. It is very scary.

Teacher Strike - With Olmert out of town it is going to be tough to continue the teacher strike. Does anyone really think Olmert will be thinking about this at Annapolis? (In Tel Aviv I have definitely seen more protest about the Teacher strike than Annapolis.)

Israel New Record - We now can claim the largest flag in the world. Someone made a flag over 5 tons. The opened it next to Massada. Pretty nuts. Another thing to be proud of... I guess...

On my end - Shabbos was chill, I stayed in.

Thanksgiving was excellent (even though it would have been nice to have been home with all of my relatives.) The Hindens had to track down all of the pieces of a turkey because Israel doesn't have whole ones. It was delicious.